As it happened, the rendezvous at the airport went without a hitch. After an evening beer with the Kenyan VSO's, I had a comfortable and low stress helipcopter trip over to the aiport with windows, seats and even ear protectors. Laszlo's flight was more or less on time and I booked a room at the airport hotel (not so grand) so all in all the whole thing was pretty straightforward.
Yesterday morning we had a leisurely breakfast before strolling down to the water taxi jetty at the beach. The sailing schedules depend on flight arrivals so we weren't exactly what time we would leave, but the beach makes a pretty good waiting area. Soon after we got there, some local lads identified Laszlo as in need of some intensive football coaching (they obviously spotted that I was a lost cause in that department). So Laszlo spent his first morning in Sierra Leone engaged in a vigorous game of footie.
When the boat arrived, a team pic was requested with 'Laz', and I was happy to oblige.